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4kg Kettlebell | 6kg Kettlebell | 8kg Kettlebell | 12kg Kettlebell | 16kg Kettlebell | 20kg Kettlebell | 24kg Kettlebell | 28kg Kettlebell | 32kg Kettlebell | 36kg Kettlebell

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Home » Kettlebells for Beginners

Kettlebells for Beginners

Delhi Foundry Industries
The kettlebell revolution has started in India. If you don't know what a kettlebell is ? Then its time that you found out. It's a weight training equipment that's shaped like a cannonball with a handle attached to it. Originally from Russia it's now a popular tool all over the world to become stronger, fitter, and leaner. What makes kettlebells so special? The biggest difference between a kettlebell and a standard weight is that in a kettlebell, the weight is off centre. This makes your core and grip work a lot harder. Thus it's often said that even a 20 minute kettlebell workout is very effective. If you train at home and have less space then kettlebells are a blessing for you. They requires very little space when being used and can be easily stored under the bed.

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Delhi Foundry Industries
Kettlebells for Beginners: Basic Kettlebell Exercises
  1. Swings
  2. Cleans
  3. Overhead presses
  4. Front squats
  5. Rows
  6. Windmills
  7. Snatches

Once you have mastered these moves then move on to more exercises like lunges, alternating swings, floor presses, etc. You will find it beneficial if you try to learn the basics in the sequence shown above if you are trying to learn them one by one.

When you begin training in some of the exercises like cleans, snatches you might find that you end up banging up your forearms with the bells crashing onto it. This is natural in the beginning and is eliminated with practice. Thus it is necessary to not do too many reps of such exercises in the beginning. Do few reps everyday to learn the form without harming yourself.

Like all other forms of training, with kettlebells, lifting the same weight for the same number of reps will not help you improve. You must move onto heavier bells as your strength increases.

Now lets look at some routines that you can try with kettlebells. If you have been training using other forms like traditional weights, running, bodyweight exercises and want to add kettlebells into your training gradually then simply start with swings. Do about 2-3 sets of 10 reps at the end of your normal workouts. Once you are good with swings then keep adding 1 exercise from the basics list gradually.

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